Carretera Panamericana Sur (antigua) Km 201 Alto Laran, Chincha, Ica.(056) 272207


Agrarian Promotion Law generated more than 88 thousand formal jobs and more than 18 thousand new companies

In the last 10 years, the results of the Agrarian Promotion Law (Law 27360) have been positive since it has contributed to the generation of 88,738 formal jobs in the agricultural and agribusiness sectors, as well as the creation of 18,350 companies, he reported. the Institute of Economics and Business Development (IEDEP) of the Lima […]

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Almost 700 agricultural projects on stand-by due to lack of financing

The Vice Minister of Agrarian Development and Infrastructure and Irrigation, Pablo Araníbar, indicated that there are around 700 projects at the national level linked to promoting agricultural development and that financing is needed for their execution. “We have 700 projects nationwide, in which the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (Minagri) is seeking financing through Works […]

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Agricultural exports from the east grew 38.2% in the first half

Agricultural exports from the eastern macro-region (San Martín, Loreto, Ucayali and Amazonas) grew 38.2% in the first half of this year, totaling US$ 32.4 million, according to a report from the Business Research Center (CIE) of Perucámaras. The main exported products were cocoa beans, which reached US$ 10.3 million (an increase of 14.6%), palm oil, […]

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